Style Tips for Braces

Style Tips for Braces
By South Grove Family Dentistry

Do you feel nervous about your new braces? Or unsure about your new smile? Did you know that braces can be a great fashion statement? Read on to learn some style tips for braces to help you feel confident in your new smile.

So Many Options

When it’s time to choose your braces colors, you’ll be surprised at how many colors there are to choose from! In the early days of braces, the options were very limited. Even just a few years ago, many patients only had a handful of color options. But today, many orthodontists are able to use a rainbow of different colors so that you can truly style your braces to match your personality.

How to Choose

It can feel overwhelming once you see all the color options available. That’s why we’d like to share some style tips for braces to help you get started.

The easiest way to begin is to think about your favorite things. What’s your favorite color? Your favorite sports team? Your school colors? Are you studying a second language? What are the colors of the flag of the country where that language is spoken? What are your favorite movies or TV shows and does your favorite character wear any team colors?

The answers to these questions can give you a starting point from which to experiment and express your unique preferences, fashion, and personality.

More Tips for Matching

Another easy place to get started is to look in your closet and notice the colors of your favorite sweater, t-shirt, or outfit. Typically, your favorite clothes are the items that bring out the color of your eyes, hair, or skin tone, making you look and feel your best.

Mix it Up!

Guess what? You don’t have to choose just one color! One of our favorite style tips for braces is to mix it up! If you’re having trouble deciding between colors, how do they look together? You can even ask about getting a full rainbow of colors to truly brighten your smile. Just make sure to have fun with the process, express your true self, and choose what makes you feel your happiest.

Call our to make an appointment with a dentist who may be able to help you find out more about this topic, and improve your oral health.

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